A good way to prevent over watering is to install rain or soil moisture sensors to override your sprinkler system when necessary. A rain sensor simply senses rainfall. Once a designated amount of water has been detected, it shuts down any regularly scheduled irrigation. Rain sensors are small, simple devices and are generally less expensive and easier to install and maintain than soil moisture sensors. Soil moisture sensors are more accurate than rain sensors because they can detect moisture at the level of the root system. They are more exact in measuring how much water your plants are receiving and thus offer greater water savings. However, they are somewhat complicated to install and manage.
Sprinkler System
- Automatic sprinkler system can cover large areas.
- Manual sprinklers require you to open the valve, time the watering yourself and then shut off the flow.
- A Automatic sprinkler system offers the benefit of programmable controllers.
- Make sure you set automatic sprinkler system correctly and adjust it as conditions change.
- Water early in the morning to reduce the evaporation rate.
- If water runs off your yard, split your watering times into two or more sessions.
- Be sure to turn off your system if you’re getting enough water from rain showers.
Watering Flowers
Using a hose without a nozzle is an inefficient way to water. It delivers water much more quickly than the landscape can absorb it, causing runoff that wastes water and carries away precious topsoil. It’s better to use a watering can for hand watering. Water each plant once, then repeat 15 minutes later after the water has soaked into the soil. If you must use a hose, make sure to attach a hose nozzle so water comes out in a spray and can easily be turned off when not in use.
There are three steps to practical landscape watering. Follow these three steps to figure out the best watering plan for your two main plant types:
- Know how much water your plants need.
- Know how much water each part of your watering system applies.
- Match your watering system output to your plants’ needs.